Research Outcomes

The main focus of this four-year endeavour was, of course, the completion of the dissertation, submitted as a monograph. In addition, contributions were made through the publication of articles in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, as well as writing a book chapter. Further essential activities included developing scripts for data collection and analysis, building data pipeline workflows, and designing and implementing data models, with a particular emphasis on using Linked Open Usable Data (LOUD) standards such as Linked Art, a metadata application profile for describing cultural heritage.

The research outcomes related to the PhD are organised alphabetically by category, with the most recent ones listed first within each category.

Book Chapter

Raemy, J. A., & Sanderson, R. (2024). Analysis of the Usability of Automatically Enriched Cultural Heritage Data. In F. Moral-Andrés, E. Merino-Gómez, & P. Reviriego (Eds.), Decoding Cultural Heritage: A Critical Dissection and Taxonomy of Human Creativity through Digital Tools (pp. 69–93). Springer Nature Switzerland.

Conference Papers

Raemy, J. A., Gray, T., Collinson, A., & Page, K. R. (2023). Enabling Participatory Data Perspectives for Image Archives through a Linked Art Workflow. In A. Baillot, W. Scholger, T. Tasovac, & G. Vogeler (Eds.), Digital Humanities 2023 Book of Abstracts (Vol. 2023, pp. 515–516). Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO).

Felsing, U., Fornaro, P., Frischknecht, M., & Raemy, J. A. (2023). Community and Interoperability at the Core of Sustaining Image Archives. Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Publications, 5(1), 40–54.

Manz, M. C., Raemy, J. A., & Fornaro, P. (2023). Recommended 3D Workflow for Digital Heritage Practices. Archiving Conference, 20, 23–28.

Raemy, J. A., & Gautschy, R. (2023). Élaboration d’un processus pour les images 3D reposant sur IIIF. In S. Gabay, E. Leblanc, N. Carboni, R. Suciu, G. Lini, M. Barras, & F. Idmhand (Eds.), Recueil des communications du 4e colloque Humanistica (pp. 1–3). Humanistica, l’association francophone des humanités numériques/digitales.

Raemy, J. A. (2022). Améliorer la valorisation des données du patrimoine culturel grâce au Linked Open Usable Data (LOUD). In N. Lasolle, O. Bruneau, & J. Lieber (Eds.), Actes des journées humanités numériques et Web sémantique (pp. 132–149). Les Archives Henri-Poincaré - Philosophie et Recherches sur les Sciences et les Technologies (AHP-PReST); Laboratoire lorrain de recherche en informatique et ses applications (LORIA).

Raemy, J. A. (2021). Applying Effective Data Modelling Approaches for the Creation of a Participatory Archive Platform. In Y. Hou (Ed.), Human Factors in Digital Humanities (pp. 1–5). Institut des humanités digitales.

Data Curation and Analysis

Raemy, J. A. (2024). The LOUD Social Fabrics [Computer software].

Raemy, J. A. (2024). LOUD Consistency [Computer software].

Data Modelling

As an integral part of both my doctoral research and active engagement in the PIA research project, I dedicated substantial efforts to data modelling.

Cultural Anthropology Switzerland (CAS) Data Model

CAS Data Model was redesigned for the database migration to the DaSCH Service Platform (DSP). Its JSON-LD representation is available at

IIIF Manifests Generation

Raemy, J. A. (2024). daschiiify (Version 0.2.0) [Computer software].

Raemy, J. A. (2023). iiif-photoalbum (Version 0.1.0) [Computer software].

PhD Data Model

Metamodel done in Linked Art, to be updated

Raemy, J. A. (2023). Linked Art Modelling [Computer software].

Participatory Knowledge Practices in Analogue and Digital Image Archives (PIA) Data Model

Ernst Brunner Thesaurus

A controlled vocabulary done in Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS), using SkoHub Docker Vocabs, for the preferred terms used by the photographer Ernst Brunner. It is published at

PIA Data Model

Demleitner, A., & Raemy, J. A. (2024). PIA Data Model (0.9) [Computer software].

PIA Linked Art Data Model

Raemy, J. A. (2022). PIA Linked Art (Version 0.1.0) [Computer software].

Journal Article

Cornut, M., Raemy, J. A., & Spiess, F. (2023). Annotations as Knowledge Practices in Image Archives: Application of Linked Open Usable Data and Machine Learning. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 16(4), 1–19.


Spring Semester 2024

Within the PIA research project, we organised a lecture series during the spring semester 2024 where I gave a 2-hour presentation in one of the lessons: 70931-01 – Vorlesung: PIA. Partizipative Wissenspraktiken in analogen und digitalen Bildarchive

Spring Semester 2023

With Murielle Cornut, PhD Candidate in Cultural Anthropology at the time, we taught a 30-hour course during the spring semester 2023 at the University of Basel: 67853-01 - Practical course: Bist du sicher, dass du dieses Foto löschen möchtest? Private Fotopraxis im Archivkontext

(Meta)data Aggregation

Raemy, J. A. (2023). e-periodica OAI-PMH - Ethnology and Folklore (Version 1.0.0) [Computer software].


Raemy, J. A., Gray, T., Collinson, A., & Page, K. R. (2023, July 12). Enabling Participatory Data Perspectives for Image Archives through a Linked Art Workflow (Poster). Digital Humanities 2023 Posters. Digital Humanities 2023, Graz, Austria.

Raemy, J. A., & Gautschy, R. (2023, June 28). Élaboration d’un processus pour les images 3D reposant sur IIIF (Poster). Colloque Humanistica 2023, Genève, Suisse.

Raemy, J. A. (2022, October 20). Back and Forth from Boundary Objects to IIIF Resources: The Recipes of a Community-driven Initiative Specifying Standards. DARIAH-CH Study Day 2022 Posters. DARIAH-CH Study Day, Mendrisio, Switzerland.


Raemy, J. A., & Demleitner, A. (2023). Implementation of the IIIF Presentation API 3.0 based on Software Support: Use Case of an Incremental IIIF Deployment within a Citizen Science Project. arXiv.

Raemy, J. A., & Sanderson, R. (2023). Analysis of the Usability of Automatically Enriched Cultural Heritage Data. arXiv.


I have given a lot of presentations during my PhD. On this website you can find a list of all the self-hosted presentations I have created since November 2022 using Marp (Markdown Presentation Ecosystem):


Raemy, J. A. (2023). Characterising the IIIF and Linked Art Communities: Survey report (p. 29) [Report]. University of Basel.